Then, I Line my BFF. Open Chatbox, invite all the people! Spam started! LOL! So, I'm going out to celebrate my birthdaaaay! Heee =D Kaki Corner? Okok. So, Rich Sun came to fetch me and Wai Ting as well, but we went to another restaurant, Rendezvous Steak Garden because we thought that Kaki Corner was close down, Haha! After that, Nelson was like Whattt??? Impossible! Haha, actually Kaki Corner was further as we didn't drive further so we thought xD
So, we eat eat eat. My friends : Rich Sun, Wai Ting, Nelson, Admond, Mk, Sui Hui, Joseph. They played cake! My face, with cream on the nose -.- So bad. But Best friends always like that! =D Eeee~ Love them! My first birthday celebration, my boyfriend was not there =(
Let's meet my friends!
Nelson Chia
Admond Pang
Wai Ting
Sui Hui
Rich Sun
Joseph Tiong
Once again! Rich Sun
Thankyou for the celebration, first celebration of this year with you guys ^^